Hi, I'm Teja!

PhD Candidate
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Maryland, USA

hmaddali at umd dot edu

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Active Projects

Image shows an remote expert wearing a VR headset and novice wearing an AR heaset. The expert is able to see the first-person-view of the novice. The expert and novice are talking to each other about how to use a tool (pruning shears in this image).
Supporting Remote Expert Guidance using Extended Reality in Skilled Hobbies

Publications: CHI 2020, CSCW 2022, ASSETS 2022, CHI 2023,
Code Repos: Project for Oculus Quest (Unity) (private, email to request access), Project for WebXR (AFrame) (private, email to request access),

Tags: Extended Reality, Expert-Novice Collaboration, Teaching/Learning, Ethnography, Prototyping, Usability Study, Mixed-Methods, Intergenerational Design,
Click here for more information.
Figure shows the participant, a person with dementia, using a tablet device to video chat with a remote researcher. There is a table in front of the participant with the proposed remote collaboration system on it. The system has four components. a printer to print paper prototypes (e.g. origami material), a 3d printer to print (e.g. a plastic cylinder prototype), a projector that projects an example view of a mobile app, and an overhead camera to capture hand movements of the participant. The remote researcher can relay commands to these devices and remotely trigger them to, for example, print through the video chat application on the participants tablet. The system therefore converts the table in front of the participant into a shared tablespace for both the participant and the reseacher. A caregiver is also shown next to the participant as an optional third person to help with the session if needed.
Augmenting Video Chat to Support Remote Participatory Design

Publications: CSCW 2020,
Code Repos: Web App (Node.js + socket.io + Web Bluetooth + WebRTC) and Raspberry Pi code (Python) (private, email to request access),

Tags: Remote Research, Dementia, Accessibility, IoT, Prototyping,
Click here for more information.

Past Projects

The Figure shows a story board with six panels. Panel 1 has Bob, an older adult with dementia who is in front of a laptop that he uses to pass his free time. Panel 2 describes him experiencing a foggy moment where things on his screen no longer make sense, Panel 3 describes that he is trying to work through the confusion but nothing he does seems to help. Panel 4 visualizes an AI on the laptop that recognizes Bob struggling with the content on the interface. In Panel 5, the AI adjusts the display to be more accessible in some way for his changing cognitive ability. Panel 6 shows that Bob is now able to continue using his device for entertainment even during his foggy moment.
Investigating Perspectives on the Potential of AI Powered Interfaces for People with Dementia

Publications: CHI 2022,

Tags: AI, Dementia, Auto Personalization, Accessibility, Qualtitative Methods, Thematic Analysis,
Click here for more information.
Image shows a person in virtual reality forming a two handed view finder gesture with the index fingers and thumbs of the left and right hands form a rectangle. The code creates a rectangle that fits and orients to the rectangle formed by the fingers indicating a certain view to capture for the camera
Two Handed gestures for AFrame

Code Repos: Glitch Repo implementing Dual Hand Gestures ,

Tags: Virtual Cameras, Virtual Reality, Gesture Interface, AFRAME,
Click here for more information.
Image showing the project sidewalk interface. A 360 degree image from a certain street location on Google Streetview is shown to the user with buttons that can be clicked to indicate and rate relevant issues with the sidewalk in the image. This can include, for example, missing sidewalks and low quality curb ramps.
Project Sidewalk

Publications: CHI 2019, ASSETS 2017,
Code Repos: Project Sidewalk Website (Scala Play) ,

Tags: Crowdsourcing, Accessibility, Urban Mobility, Mixed-Methods,
Click here for more information.