Hi, I'm Teja!

PhD Candidate
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Maryland, USA

hmaddali at umd dot edu

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Two Handed gestures for AFrame

Image shows a person in virtual reality forming a two handed view finder gesture with the index fingers and thumbs of the left and right hands form a rectangle. The code creates a rectangle that fits and orients to the rectangle formed by the fingers indicating a certain view to capture for the camera

Built as part of a collaboration with the MI2 Lab at the University of Michigan. AFRAME by default only supports pinch gestures with an Oculus Quest. My code extends that to two handed gestures that include a view finder gesture to set the view of the camera, a tower gesture, “me” and “you” gestures that could be used to toggle cameras, for example, to change perspective. All these gesturesare described in detail as comments in the project code.

Code Repos: Glitch Repo implementing Dual Hand Gestures ,
Tags: Virtual Cameras, Virtual Reality, Gesture Interface, AFRAME,