Supporting Remote Expert Guidance using Extended Reality in Skilled Hobbies
I’ve conducted participant observation (CHI’20), and user-centered design studies (CSCW’22, Best paper at CHI’23) to understand how to design, build and evaluate systems that enhance the social and instructional experience of remote skill-sharing in expert-novice groups in skilled hobby activities (e.g. gardening, woodworking). Gardening is a useful case to explore design for collaboration in hobbies as it has widespread intergenerational appeal and is viewed as a meaningful activity for individuals, families and communities. For this project, I have built Networked Unity and AFRAME (WebXR) based design probes whose related GitHub repos can be accessed via request.
Initial participant observation study
CHI 2020,
Iterative prototyping and evaluation of XR design probes
CSCW 2022,
Secondary analysis on intergenerational accessibility in XR
ASSETS 2022,
System building and perspective analysis of authoring and sharing reconstructed spaces for XR
CHI 2023,
Code Repos:
Project for Oculus Quest (Unity)

(private repo,
email to request access),
Project for WebXR (AFrame)

(private repo,
email to request access),
Extended Reality,
Expert-Novice Collaboration,
Usability Study,
Intergenerational Design,